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Flare Replacement Design
Hutchinson, Kansas

The runners in an existing multi-point ground (MPG) flare at a client’s production facility had corroded in several places, likely caused by brine water infiltration. While the source of the corrosion had been fixed in a previous project, the flare itself was ruined and needed to be replaced to continue flaring propane and butane mix at the facility. Ross Group Engineering began the project with a front-end engineering design (FEED) report to determine if a new MPG flare, single-point elevated flare, or multi-point shielded ground flare would serve the facility best. 


Ross Group Engineering’s investigation tackled the issue from both technical and economic angles, considering the flow rate, pressure at the flare, footprint/elevation, budgetary costs, lead times, control/power requirements, and constructability. Our team also investigated the technologies from a number of major equipment suppliers as part of the study, eventually recommending a new elevated stack flare. The final report detailed the pros and cons of each flare type and included conceptual designs for the new flare indicating the optimal location for its placement. 


The client then asked Ross Group Engineering to complete the detailed design for the new flare. This required studying global relief scenarios to determine final flare sizing, a hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis with associated solutions, a 3D piping model, piping plans and elevations, foundation drawings for bollards and pipe supports, instrumentation and electrical drawings, tie-in details for the headers, a bill of materials, and bidding assistance. 

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