The District
@ 222
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Project Stats
19,000 sq. ft.
Market Sector(s): Commercial / Private, Multifamily Living
Attributes: Constricted Site, Multi-Story
About the Project
The City of Broken Arrow is proactively revitalizing its downtown with the development of the Rose District. Our development team actively managed the search for a facility to aid downtown Broken Arrow's growth. The team conducted extensive research of the identified prospective buildings that met the requirements set forth by the owner. Looking not only at the constructability of the building, but also detailing the potential funding sources, economic analysis, and feasibility of each prospective building.
The District @ 222 is a 19,000 sq. ft., mixed-use commercial building that transformed the Main Street façade with a modern downtown look while remaining consistent with the surrounding developments.
The four-story building provides an approximate 3,500 sq. ft. restaurant and eleven contemporary, market-rate loft apartments. The apartments, a mixture of single bedroom/single bath and double bedroom/double bath, grant tenants a look and feel of downtown that has raised the standard for the Rose District.